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Thursday 20 December 2012
new friends, 12:39, 0 comments
anyeong! moshi moshi.
well a few weeks a go i went for tusyen and i met new friends :DDD well their name are Farah and Shasha both of them are really friendly and fit me too. one of them is a kpopers and another one is kinda crazy and fun. actually that's not the thing that i wann atell you :3. they noticed my file cover, it is my drawing L and N i think i've write the post bout it before this so please find it if you wanna know ^_^. kay, then one of them, the kpopers, Shasha. ask me to draw one of the anime but before that she said Kakashi, you know him? from Naruto. that handsome awesome smart ahswuygdauyew teacher LOL so i thought to ask her what she want to but when i think twice........i just scared that i'm too lazy too draw so i told her that insyaAllah, i'll draw it if i free but then i reached home i thought again, why don't i give something for my new friends? yeah, that's right so i decided to draw kakashi hatake at about 1.00/2.00 am something then finish it at 4.00am woah~ now i'm writing this on 4.35 am. crazy huh? i am an owl :3 so whatever this is the drawing~ i don't have a scanner so sorry for the picture :)
