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HEY YOU! hello :) thanks for visiting me. Interested? Contact me: facebook : twitter : email-ainul.afiqa@gmail.com. Malaysia ONLY. Sorry... :D Thank You, please come again.

Thursday 17 October 2013
Handmade custom phonecase, 09:10, 0 comments

you can choose everything! design, colour and your phone type! contact me for more details and order :)
Sunday 17 March 2013
DIM, 06:29, 0 comments
Do It Myself :)
#finish exam
last week of school :DDD
*edited - photoscape

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nature, 06:21, 0 comments
sight seeing :) Malaysia
Panasonic, Lumix, 12Megapix


one shot, 04:14, 0 comments
if you are a kpopers, this nothing to do with BAP :)
somewhere in Malaysia, Cameron Highlands, Pahang 
do come and visit us!!
i don't have any idea of what is this


flash back, 03:41, 0 comments
just arranging my laptop folder cause there's a lot of thing that are useless -_____- furthermore my memory card in my camera are full so i cannot put any videos or capture pic huh.... whilst doing that i found this.....
all of them are my arts when i was 11 years old. i know it's ugly but still an arts keutji?

this one if my fav cause when you turn in upside down you still can see a water fall viewed from up
